About Us

Mid Wales Education Partners was formed in September 2021 with Ceredigion and Powys Local Authorities working collectively and collaboratively on some aspects to support the needs of schools, learners and practitioners across Mid Wales.  The agreed Memorandum of Understanding underpins the work of the Partnership and clearly states the joint areas of working which includes:

  1. Curriculum development
  2. Leadership pathways
  3. Support for Newly Qualified Teachers and Early Career Teachers
  4. Teaching Assistant Learning pathways
  5. Rural deprivation and equity

Our Vision and values:

As Mid Wales Education Partners we will provide an integrated service to schools. Our work in supporting schools will be of exceptional quality and will ensure innovation and rigour leading to sustainable and continuous school improvement.  We will be:

  • Supportive and collaborative in our approach
  • Creative, flexible and honest in our ways of working
  • Effective and efficient as a partnership

Our aims are:

  • to support leaders and their professional development and to develop a range of effective future leaders to meet the need of Mid Wales;
  • support teachers and teaching assistants with a comprehensive, purposeful, high quality, effective and accessible professional learning offer, and is in accordance with local priority areas;
  • to support schools in their post pandemic recovery to positively impact on pupil and staff wellbeing;
  • to support schools in the development of a curriculum offer which has progress and the four purposes at its core;
  • to support schools to continually improve the quality of teaching and learning in order to positively impact on pupils’ life chances;
  • to ensure high quality and rigorous support, challenge and purposeful intervention to schools;
  • to develop purposeful and effective networks of support between schools and facilitate a self-improving system;
  • to provide bespoke support for schools in accordance with the school development priority areas;
  • to develop a joint understanding of rural deprivation and equity to ensure that all pupils are given equal opportunities to succeed, irrespective of their social challenges;
  • to ensure that the Mid Wales Education Partners work efficiently and strives for economies of scale; and
  • to work effectively with a range of appropriate partners to provide a service led by the needs of our schools, Welsh Government and Local Authority priorities, aligned strategically with ‘Growing Mid Wales’ and the Regional Learning and Skills Partnership Board.